Day 13, morning

Living with Anel
1 min readMay 10, 2021

5/10 Monday am

Another stable night for Anel.

She was taken off of her blood pressure IV medication. It’s been replaced with a twice-a-day shot. This will help keep all that extra fluid out of her.

She’s opening her eyes even more. She’s in there, but she isn’t following any commands. They want her to give a thumbs up or two fingers.

Her CT looked good. There’s still blood in there but it’s coming down. The good news is there isn’t any build-up of pressure. He mentioned another CT in a month.

We’ll be moving her to an LTAC (Long Term Acute Care) soon. The ICU we are in is focused on getting her stable. The LTAC is focused on long-term recovery. I’m talking with several of them. They are hospitals. They have a pharmacy, imaging, and doctors on-site 24/7. They are essentially a long-term ICU. They are not a rehab facility nor a nursing home. Her neurosurgeon will continue to see her. Insurance is with us shoulder to shoulder.

We’re not sure how long this process will take. We don’t know when she’ll be responding to command or walking. One step at a time. . . brick by brick.

Thank you,



Living with Anel

My wonderful wife of 20 years had her second stroke on 4/27/21. She’s supported by many loving friends and family. This site is to share the updates. — Ken