Day 611

Thursday 12/29/22

Anel is doing well!

Medically all seems to be well. She’s on the anti-seizure meds until the blood is absorbed into her head, probably several weeks. A CT Scan is scheduled for 1/10 and several follow-up appointments that week. I’ll keep you posted.

Therapy is in full swing. She went back on Tuesday. Insurance has her covered until the end of March; we’ll reassess then. Her speech is the most noticeable setback. We’re grateful the setbacks are minimal.

Home life has been well. She knows our routine, and we’re falling back into stride.

Thank you for your kindness and prayers.



Living with Anel

My wonderful wife of 20 years had her second stroke on 4/27/21. She’s supported by many loving friends and family. This site is to share the updates. — Ken