Living with Anel
1 min readJul 27, 2023


Day 820

Wednesday 7/26/23

Anel continues to improve.

She’s still at Baylor rehab in Frisco. She goes Monday through Friday 9–3 and loves it. She’s as positive as ever. We meet with the Baylor team monthly, and the report always includes how hard Anel works and what a positive attitude she always has.

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed that her speed of recovery is increasing. I used to notice improvements weekly. Now, almost every couple of days, I’m seeing something new.

For example, before all this craziness, she used to enjoy playing Wordscapes on her phone. You have to drag your finger across a group of letters in a circle to form words. She recently decided to pick it up again. I often sit with her while she plays, and I can see the light bulb moments. Just last week, she spelled “Alas” without any hesitation. Although she isn’t using it in any sentences, it’s clear she’s tapping into that old memory bank. She isn’t jumping on any calls or texting her buddies, but it’s in her future.

Today was the first day of working with a cane at Baylor. They don’t want her using one at the house yet, and her primary method is still the chair, but from where she was to where she is now! I just had to share this victory with you tonight.

Thank you, friends.



Living with Anel

My wonderful wife of 20 years had her second stroke on 4/27/21. She’s supported by many loving friends and family. This site is to share the updates. — Ken